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Application of CIMS in SMT chip processing and production

Issuing Time:16-12-2022 Views:

For many electronic enterprises with smt equipment, the introduction of cims into SMT chip processing and production has improved product quality and effective utilization of equipment, and greatly shortened product design cycle and time to market. The economic benefits brought by cims to enterprises are obvious. It is believed that in the near future, cims will be more and more widely used in SMT chip processing and production.

Application of cims in SMT chip processing
Many equipment in SMT chip processing production line are computer controlled automatic processing equipment, which makes it possible for computer aided manufacturing to form a cad/cam integrated system.

The design departments of modern electronic production enterprises almost all use cad software for circuit design, and the production and manufacturing departments also use a large number of automatic equipment such as chip mounters and DIP plug-in processing plug-in machines for production. However, the two departments rarely understand each other's needs, and many useful information cannot be shared, which often forms two "automation" islands between enterprises. With the intensification of market competition, customers require the shortening of product delivery cycles and the control of production costs, it is urgent to establish a connection between the two islands to shorten the production preparation time, strengthen defect analysis before production and reduce product repair. However, to connect the information flow in the "automation islands" of cad design system and production automation, and to remove the "partition" between product design and product manufacturing, it can only be achieved through the computer integrated manufacturing system (cims).

The processing of cad design documents improves the assembly accuracy and greatly reduces the failure rate.
In the 1970s, Dr. Joseph Harrington of the United States first proposed the concept of cim (computer integrated manufacturing). Its connotation is to integrate various manufacturing related technical systems in enterprises with the help of computers, thereby improving the ability of enterprises to adapt to market competition. However, cims, a system based on cim concept, began to be valued and implemented on a large scale in the mid-1980s. Cims takes database as the center, transfers the data in the design environment to various automatic processing equipment by means of computer network, and can effectively control and supervise these automatic equipment. Using cims can establish the relationship between the production department and the design department, which can be achieved through the integration of cad/cam systems. As mentioned above, many equipment in the SMT chip processing production line are computer controlled automatic processing equipment, which makes it possible for computer aided manufacturing to form a cad/cam integrated system. In fact, most of the data required for the programming of processing equipment in the SMT SMT production line can be completely obtained from the relevant data files of the cad system. For example, the coordinate position, angle, physical characteristic parameters, electrical parameters, etc. of components on pcba. These data are very large, and some feature data are required by different processing equipment. For example, the placement machine, dispensing machine and online testing equipment all need the coordinate position of components on the pcb. Therefore, the philosophy and technology of cims are used to establish a cad/cam integrated system between cad and cam, extract, sort/transform and optimize the corresponding feature data directly from the data files of cad system, and transfer them to the control computer of processing equipment through computer network and interface communication software according to the format requirements of specific equipment programming data or the format requirements of n/c instructions for direct call or direct drive of nc processing equipment when programming. This not only saves the time for data preparation and programming, but also saves the time for direct.
Due to the characteristics of smt industry production, it is appropriate to adopt jit for on-site management. through the combination of jit and tqc, waste can be reduced and product quality can be improved.
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Key words: SMT chip processing

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